特殊教育K-6或6-12高中. M.Ed. (在线)



The 替代米aster of Education in 特殊教育 online graduate degree prepares individuals who have an undergraduate degree but do not have any type of teacher certification. 学生 choose elementary (K-6) or secondary (6-12) areas of specialization. 这 42-hour program prepares individuals without previous training in education to be 特殊教育教师. The coursework can be completed entirely online. 然而, some of the courses are also offered with portions online or on campus. 有 practicum and student teaching requirements where students will be in K-12 settings 残疾学生. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible for the Class A, K-6 or 6-12 Collaborative Teacher Certificate. 



替代米.Ed. 合作教师K-6课程学习

替代米.Ed. 合作教师6-12课程学习


  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

    *USA students applying to a USA graduate program in the 教育学院 and Professional 研究应完成 申请成绩单表格(PDF) found on the University 注册商's Office website.

    In the Name/Organization field for the transcript recipient write, "美国研究生院". There is no charge associated with this request. 此选项仅适用于美国 transcripts for students applying to USA graduate programs.


  1. 平均绩点要求: A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum overall GPA 2.5 or a master’s or higher degree with a GPA of at least 3.0. 这个GPA必须 be documented on the official transcript of the degree granting institution and must be the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the degree, not a GPA that includes 研究生学历课程.

    GPA例外 for unconditional admission to Alternative Class A State Department of Education-approved programs: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and do not meet the minimum overall 本科GPA 2.5分,但至少有2分.本科总绩点0分,可寻求 provisional admission to an Alternative Class A program if the alternate score on the Alabama prescribed Praxis subject-area test is obtained. 交替得分 can be found on the Alternate Score Requirements document at www.alsde.edu(部门 Offices: Educator Assessment: Educator Assessment Policies). 唯一的测试和分数 accepted are those listed on the Alternate Score Requirements document. 所有其他的 入学要求也必须满足.


  1. Clear Alabama State Department of Education background check.




  1. 完成选项1:通过分数 基础教育:三科捆绑 and 12 hours of coursework in English or Option 2: Twelve hours of coursework in each of the following four areas: English, Math, Science, Social Studies.


  1. Personal statement on applicant's career goals and purpose for graduate study.


To apply - click here to get to the 招生 login page.



Ph: (251) 380-2767